It was instead sent by cyber-criminals, who are attempting to trick WhatsApp users into visiting the fake WhatsApp website. Please do not click on it or follow the instructions that came with the message. See below screen shots of the WhatsApp Video call invite messages received. There are many Spam and Fake Messages sharing in WhatsApp and Other social media website asking you to Activate the WhatsApp Video calling by clicking a link and Invite your friends.It is Fake and Spam.By clicking the link, your mobile phone will be hacked or some malicious programs will be installed in your mobile. Spam Alert! WhatsApp video calling spam and Fake Message If you have not enabled the Auto Update feature, simply go to the App Store or Google PlayStore and check for the update. iPhone users will get the same update from the App Store. If you have enabled the Auto Update feature, the WhatsApp Video calling feature will be automatically updated to your device from the Google Play Store. WhatsApp Video calling update rolling out not yet completed.